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This training is a career development programme designed for individuals wishing to become qualified personal stylists or image consultants. You will learn the foundation of building a person's image through appearance, social etiquette and communication.


Appearance: This aspect focuses on how an individual presents herself physically. It includes studying the elements of a person’s body line, facial line, personal colour, personal style and dressing right according to profession and special occasions. The goal is to ensure that the person’s appearance aligns with her lifestyle, character and professional goals, making a positive and memorable impression on others.


Behaviour: Social etiquette and behaviour encompass how an individual conducts herself in various situations. It includes the person’s manners, etiquette, social skills, and overall demeanour. Developing positive behaviours can help her navigate social and professional interactions with confidence and professionalism.


Communication: This aspect covers the essence of verbal and non-verbal communication through understanding the fundamentals of how to engage, build rapport and influence others through interpersonal communication. Improving communication skills can boost a person’s ability to connect with others.


The training modules are designed according to the AICI Core Competencies, which identify the knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviours required for success as an image consultant.


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And the  training package is also complete with a full set of colour analysis kit

This training comes with a Professional Image Consultant Training textbook, written and produced by the trainer, Ong Soo Hua, AICI CIC, DKM JPK

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Training Schedule

This course is inclusive of classroom and onsite practical training to coach trainees toward becoming well-equipped image consultants. There is a total of 8 sessions to complete the course. The training starts at 10:00 AM and finishes at 5:00 PM daily, with an exception of field trips.

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